P's of Life and Business![]() First off, I do enjoy therapy, but I seriously feel like it's such a waste of time until the moment I get into the office and sit down and talk things out! I for some reason build this idea in my head, that I don't have the time for this right now. Time is my biggest commodity right now. As a working mom, who home-schools, and runs a business. It is hard to find time to do anything, especially when it comes to my self care/ mental health! I'm not knocking therapy I think it's actually amazing, but when you're overwhelmed and have a long list of things to do. You don't exactly want to waste your time driving to your appointment to sit and talk for an hour, but I do it, because I know I need it! So, my last therapy session we came up with originally with 5 P's to make my life more manageable and in hopes relieve some overwhelm and anxiety I deal with on a daily basis. You can see a short version of this on my Instagram as a reel and carousal. #1 Patience![]() Patience! This to me is laughable! I'm one of those people who likes things to happen fast! The only thing that slows me down is my responsibilities, like my children & my spouse! I take time for the people I love, but having so many responsibilities makes this very difficult. Also, having patience in business is very difficult! You spend all this time on your "baby", your business. Then wonder why it's not working for you? There usually are a few reasons things don't roll out for you right away, but that's another topic for another day! #2 Positivity![]() Mind of Matter is truly a real thing! Keeping a positive mindset definitely helps with the daily overwhelm and responsibilities throughout the day to day! You want to make sure your mindset remains positive. Plus, positivity truly is contagious! No one wants to be around a "negative Nancy!" Now, I want to be clear I don't want you or me or anyone to go around being a "Pollyanna!" There is definitely a healthy balance to it! It's incredibly easy to get wrapped up in the world around you and lose track of all the things. Instead what I like to do, is focus on what I CAN control. Rather than, focusing on what I can't control! #3 Planning![]() This is simple if you're this type of person! I'm not! I'm chaotic! I have to make an extreme effort in planning to get anything done at all! It's truly a vice, but I want to say I'm getting better at it! Batching my content and getting things done when they need to be done. There is a term "Eat the Frog." This basically means get your hardest task done first in the day that way it's finished, and you can move on to easier tasks. Also time blocking is huge in our house! We home school so we have to block out our time or it's complete chaos! Plus most of us thrive on routine. So get one set in place. Even if it's not set in stone. You'll eventually figure out your rhythm of the day and what works for you and what does not work for you! We are big on the pomodoro method, which means you work for a certain amount of time then allow yourself a break. I typically can work longer by myself. My 2 boys are much different I'm lucky if I get 20- 30 minutes out of them sitting still and working. They need "brain breaks" to shake off all that extra energy!