Why I don't Fear the Death Card when seeing it in a reading.![]() In the last week, this card has come up in my morning readings. I've doing a lot of study on Pluto, which is quite Ironic. Considering I began, my Pluto square transit earlier this Spring. This card is not associated with Pluto, however, it is associated with the astrological sign of Scorpio, which Pluto is its ruling planet. Truth be told I've never been scared of this card. I was raised you were never to fear death, only God. As I grew older & realized how I felt about organized religion. (This could be a whole other topic if you want to talk about it.) I still feel the same way. I enjoy going to church, when I can find the time, but I will never "buy into/join" your congregation. I enjoy many different people's services and congregations. I can't choose. I love hearing different perspectives when going to different services. The big difference is my God would never want me to fear him or her or them. My God is a benevolent god who believes love can conquer all! I always knew I was making the right decision as long as I trusted my gut. If it felt right in my sacral, I knew I was on the right path. Did I follow that instinct every time? Of course not! "We" ignored the signs, these stomach pains, and most of the time it blew up in my face; And of course, I had a "friend' at the time who had convinced me it would be ok, fun, amazing-- insert any descriptor that would make you want to do something completely stupid to the point that you ignored your gut. (your sacral.) I say, "we" because as I walk down a path, I haven't revisited in years, decades even. I have to revisit to pick up the pieces of that little girl who I once abandoned. This is slow. It is not easy, however, each day I get a little piece of her back. Now does this make me happier? Yes/No -- Recognizing parts of yourself you have not seen in years. I thought I got rid of you. I did not know I still needed you, and now I embrace that scared and frightened little girl that just needed guidance, discipline, and little VALIDATION. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, but seriously back to the Death Card. First off Death is the one guarantee we have in this life...eff it I will throw taxes in there too! If not someone will be coming for me. If you're into specifically upright and reversals this section is for you. I particularly don't work with reversal, because based on the person's inquiry, you can tell which resonates more for them, plus it's bad form to leave a reading with dread, doom, and gloom. If you get this card upright, A major phase or aspect of your life that is no longer serving you is coming to an end, opening up the possibility of something more valuable and essential. You must close one door to open another. Do not fear change, it can truly be positive. If you get this card reversed, You are on the verge of a meaningful change but are resisting or delaying it. Ask yourself why this is happening, what is holding you back? -- Or, you may be going through a massive personal transformation, in private, out of view from others. I've read death to be transformation, but you have to go through and face your deepest fears to be reborn into newness. I do agree with this, but there is so much more nuance. I consult my book. The Hebrew attribution: Nun (pronounced noon) which translates to fish. The great fish is a symbol of pain, suffering, and perpetuity. It's cyclical. People fear death because death seems like the end. The story of Jonah and great fish is mentioned. -- Jonah, motivated by fear, flees the presence of the Lord. He attempts to run away by boarding a ship. At sea the Lord causes the Wind to pick up. This threatens the entire ship, not just Jonah! The passengers begin to pray to God. In the story the passengers discover Jonah trying to run away, is the reason for all this tumultuous storm. Long story short, Jonah tells them to take him and throw him into the sea, then the sea will quiet down for you. They throw them overboard into the sea where the Lord causes a great fish to swallow him whole. Jonah spends 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the beast. When he realizes that "deliverance belongs to the Lord," the Lord speaks to the fish who vomits Jonah out -- alive and reborn on dry land. The polar opposite of Death is birth. -- This is essentially shadow work. On the path of the shadow, you learn that light is born of darkness and darkness cannot overcome light. When you know this your fear melts away. You can accept the path by which you have come. You accept the way others have come. You can also accept the way you must go as well as the way others must go. You learn to love again, even your enemies. You learn that death is the final enemy it is the "end." You learn to love Death. I read it's a sacrificing of the ego, intellect, and short-term memory for charity, faith, & hope. The self must die to know love. Love is the fruit of understanding. Through love we advance from fear. This is the greatest connection between love and death. So with death comes rebirth and the cycle continues. Through death we can transform and evolve into our best selves, but it takes a lot of walking through the shadows to understand and face your deepest fears. When you begin you must hack and slash away all that which binds, but when all is cleared away. You can see that there are kindred spirits all around. We are all imperfect humans going through similar challenges and situations. Truly Death teaches us that Love is the answer, so that we do no fear Death, but understand it's just a part of life. It's truly cyclical. So, if you do ever get this card, know there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Yes I just quoted FDR. The book I am consulting is Tarot of the Spirit by: Pamela Eakins, PH.D.