Natal Chart Reading Requirements
D.O.B.This is the beginning of your birth chart. The day you were born is the first necessity to reading your natal chart.
Your birth chart shows where the luminaries were the moment you were born. Most people know their sun sign based on knowing their birthday & reading magazines or newspapers to find out their horoscope. |
Time of BirthYour Time of birth is the second necessity to reading your natal chart.
Time of birth is very important as the rising sign changes every 2 hours and the degree and minutes every 4 minutes. If you don't understand the degrees and minutes; that's fine. For the most accurate information, you need to have the most accurate birth time. It is crucial to have the correct time. |
Location of BirthThe location of birth is the third necessity to read your natal chart.
Location is just as important as the time because Astrology is a geocentric study. Geocentric means it is from the perspective of Earth. It is the exact time, day, and location the stars were the moment you were born! |
If you do not have access to the information, there are ways to find out your birth time and/or location. Via public records and other research. There is also the option of chart rectification, however, I do not offer it. I can however look at the aspects of the planets when you were born, however, I won't have nearly as much data, as your rising sign or houses cannot be calculated.