Comic Consulting - I learned the hard way so you don't have to!
First off, I'm not a comic collector. I respect the hobby! I think it's very interesting, but I'm here to strictly help people understand what they have inherited. I grew up in the 90's where comics were a dime a dozen. We didn't know what was going to be popular 30 years later. I grew up going into local comic shops looking around read my fair share of indie comics, but I haven't kept much over the years!
I knew my dad collected comics. We would read the comics in the Sunday paper every weekend. As I got older, he would show me the more political comics and explain if need be. He would cut out particular ones, that he thought was hilarious! He was truly a child at heart! When he passed, it was unexpected. He was only 65. We began to clean out the house and liquidate the estate as normal. When we got to the attic, we had no idea how much it really was. From the get go, people got greedy green eyes. I was offered 2k, 5k, 10k, before even opening any boxes. Let's just say I'm glad I did not make the mistake and take the money and run. We pulled down the long boxes one at a time. There ended up being about 20 long boxes, plus boxes of vintage comic magazines. I had people continue to call and make offers. Word travels fast. I eventually fibbed and said I got rid of them. I was sick of the hassle. I had no idea, what any of it was worth. I ended up taking a few key comics into a local comic shop. He offered 40% of what its value. Only 40%! He claimed since I had brought in some gems he would give me 40% normally, He would only offer 35%! He claimed, he was taking a gamble. The process of getting them sent off, slabbed, and graded. He claimed he might not see a return on his money. I ended up selling a few comics to him. He always steered me away from eBay! "That it was such a hassle! You don't want to do that!" I honestly wish I would have started an eBay store from the get go. I quickly learned he took me for a run! Especially on a particular comic. It was a VF/NM Iron Man #55. If any comic book collectors know this is the first appearance of Thanos! I quickly learned every collector has their biggest regret of getting rid of a particular comic being in a tight spot for money, and Iron Man 55 was my biggest regret! So, I'm creating this page, because there are people everyday that are inheriting their parent's comic collection, and they maybe in the same position I was. I'm here to offer advice. If you're interested in going the eBay route or selling the collection outright, whatever choice you make your local comic shop is only going to give you a fraction of what the collection is worth. So, if you find yourself in this situation. Fill out the the form below, I will be happy to help you sort out what you have and show you how to value the collection. |